Reading Glasses Vs. Prescription Glasses

If you’re having trouble with your vision, the right pair of eyeglasses might be what you need. Since there are so many options, choosing the right glasses for your needs could be difficult. Although, the two options you should consider are reading and prescription glasses.

We’ll cover the difference between these two types of glasses in the article below. However, if you need glasses, you should schedule a vision exam. Work with our optometrist to get prescription glasses fitted. If you live near St. James, MN, visit Olson Optical to speak with our eye doctor and undergo a vision exam.

Prescription Glasses 

These glasses will be designed specifically for you and can correct either nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia). Prescription glasses are one of the best methods for improving many vision problems. Besides helping you see, they can reduce strain and provide other benefits. You must schedule an eye exam if you’re interested in prescription glasses.

Reading Glasses 

Reading glasses can be a good choice in some situations. These glasses can be bought over the counter, and they’re designed to help with reading text. They typically won’t offer much help with issues like myopia and don’t sharpen your vision. Instead, they work more like a magnifying lens.

What’s the Difference?

With the above in mind, the differences between prescription and reading glasses certainly come into focus. Reading glasses can help with some basic things. However, they won’t offer as much help daily because they don’t sharpen your vision, like prescription glasses. For example, if you’re having trouble reading road signs, reading glasses might not offer much improvement.

Visit Olson Optical Today

Reading glasses are convenient and affordable for those with hyperopia. However, prescription glasses are customized to correct specific vision problems and offer versatile vision correction for astigmatism and other conditions. It's recommended to have a comprehensive eye exam to determine the best eyewear for your needs. Contact Olson Optical in St. James, MN, for an eye exam. Schedule an appointment by calling (507) 375-2020.


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